Introduction to meditation

An asana is a body posture, originally and still a general term for a sitting meditation pose, and later extended in hatha yoga and modern yoga as an exercise to any type of yogic position, adding reclining, standing, inverted, twisting, and balancing poses. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali define “asana” as ” a position that is steady and comfortable.” Patanjali mentions the ability to sit for extended periods as one of the eight limbs of his system.
During this course, you will be introduced to 7 different meditation postures from easy to advanced. Nevertheless, the main focus will be on helping you to progress into advanced postures, as they are the most suitable for meditation.

From a yogic point of view, the body/energy/mind complex is divided into five parts known as koshas; those are like shits layered over each other.

During this course, you will learn about yogic physiology and psychology in depth.